Tag: Langley


Retirement Income: Is there a “Magic Number”?

While there is little doubt that the retirement landscape has changed, so to has our perception of what our golden years should entail. While many still envision wintering in sun and surf, most of us realize that a phased entry into retirement spent among family and friends is the more likely scenario.


Buy or Sell… What do we do?

With market swings starting to feel like the norm rather than the exception, what are you supposed to do with your investments? Sell to cash? Read on…


Are You Invested In Canada Only?

If you are investing within Canadian borders only, you are likely missing out on returns. “By investing in both developed and emerging markets [you] can enhance performance” states David Graff.


How Financially Healthy Are You?

People generally fall into 3 categories when it comes to their financial health. These categories range from completely healthy to underwater. What stage are you in? A financial planner can help.


Your ‘Safe’ Portfolio Could Cause You Problems

Your presumably safe and secure investments may be anything but if interest rates increase. It could devastate your portfolio, just because you wanted to be safe and secure.


Where are your Children Learning their Money Sense?

If schools aren’t teaching our children about money management then who is? Can they learn it online?


Life Insurance Basics

Many people put off looking at their life insurance as it’s not the most exciting topic in their world. It’s extremely important but you should know a few things about life insurance before you start shopping.


Save Money on your Fuel Costs This Summer

In Langley, BC it is very difficult to reduce the amount we drive. In today’s article we’ll show you a couple tips that will help to decrease your tax bill this summer and increase how much money you keep in your pocket.


What is the cost of a pet?

Before you rush out to get your significant other, child, or even yourself that new pet be sure you plan ahead about the lifetime costs of that pet. The costs can add up and you must be prepared for it!


Get rid of your TV… Save Money

If you are looking for ways to increase your disposable income and save more money for your future, try cutting your cable TV. It will save you a lot of money and most people find their life more enjoyable.