Tag: Langley


Being Frugal… can it really pay off?

Throughout the years many people ask me what the secret to being wealthy is. The answer is to live within your means, and save more. The wealthiest people are often seen as frugal or cheap, but they are not spending everything they earn and living in a pile of debt.


Emergency Reserve… Do you have one?

How would your finances be able to handle a sudden emergency? Having an emergency fund (also known as a rainy day fund) may be just the solution to ensure your family is protected in case of a short-term emergency.


A Few Easy Financial Planning Tricks to Live Within Your Means

Looking for ways to curb your spending? Canadians in recent years have become very good at spending most of what they make. Here are a few good tips to help you live within you means and save more.


What is a Financial Planner Anyways?

Are you looking for a financial advisor? There are a lot of different certifications out there. In my opinion the CFP (Certified Financial Planner) designation is the one to look for. Check out this blog article to see why!


RRSP – Only Two Days Left

If you have not contributed to your RRSP yet there are only a few days left. Not sure about whether you should put money into an RRSP or a TFSA for this tax year? Look no further!


Recycling on a Regular Basis

Are you recycling everything possible in your home AND office? It can be difficult but with one simple change to your habits you can recycle everywhere!


Save Money on your Group Insurance Plan or I’ll Buy You Dinner!

Are you looking for ways to cut costs in your business easily. Look no further than your group plan. If I can’t show you how to save money on your group plan I’ll buy you dinner to the Keg!


How to Amplify your Childrens Inheritance?

The Tax and Estate Planning strategy that we are looking at in this video is one of the most effective ways to pass your hard earned money to your heirs. It’s meant for money that is not needed in your daily life throughout retirement… Money you have set aside for your heirs, or maybe even a charity. When we look

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Manage Your Thermostats

Looking at ways to save the planet and save some money, an easy solution comes from your thermostat. What settings should you use? Should you purchase an automatic thermostat?


Markets – What is going on?

The markets over the last little bit have been very turbulent and a lot of people are asking what is going to happen? Although I can never say with certainty I’ll share a couple of things that the investment managers shared with me this week.