Being Paid if I break a bone!?!?

This is a topic that baffles most people. I hear this a lot from my mountain biking buddies, “I can get personal accident insurance that will pay me out a sum of money if I break a bone?” The answer is a resounding “YES!” On top of that, it’s really easy to get!

So how does it work? It’s called a fracture plan. You break a bone in your daily life, whether it’s at work or when you are out playing, you go to the doctor and get an X-Ray. As long as that X-Ray shows that you have a broken bone, we send that to the insurance company and you get a set amount of money. How much? The chart is located just below here:

So what does this form of personal accident insurance cost?

There are three different plans, and they range from $20 – $40 per month.

How difficult is it to get?

Actually, it’s extremely simple! There are no medical questions or financial proof necessary. We get together and sign some paperwork, making sure you understand the couple of exclusions there are (example: it won’t pay out if you are a professional athlete) and you are on your way – fully covered.

Simply Put…

You like to do some dangerous sport and you want to be paid some money if you injure yourself by breaking a bone so that you don’t have to go back to work right away and can have some time to recover. That’s what this form of personal accident insurance does.

If you’d like more information, please call Travis Strain at 604-308-6030, or email me at


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