Tag: financial plan


Buy or Sell… What do we do?

With market swings starting to feel like the norm rather than the exception, what are you supposed to do with your investments? Sell to cash? Read on…


Save Money on your Fuel Costs This Summer

In Langley, BC it is very difficult to reduce the amount we drive. In today’s article we’ll show you a couple tips that will help to decrease your tax bill this summer and increase how much money you keep in your pocket.


Being Frugal… can it really pay off?

Throughout the years many people ask me what the secret to being wealthy is. The answer is to live within your means, and save more. The wealthiest people are often seen as frugal or cheap, but they are not spending everything they earn and living in a pile of debt.


A Few Easy Financial Planning Tricks to Live Within Your Means

Looking for ways to curb your spending? Canadians in recent years have become very good at spending most of what they make. Here are a few good tips to help you live within you means and save more.


The Importance of Wills For your Family

You need to protect your family with a last will and testament and estate plan. If you neglect to setup a proper will the process is laid out by the Provincial Government and you likely won’t appreciate it. Neither will your family.