How To Maintain Your Sanity When Managing Change

In our fast-paced world, change isn’t a “what if” scenario – it’s a “when.” Change management isn’t a buzzword – it’s a critical leadership skill. But what happens when the change you’re shepherding through begins to blur the lines between progressive disruption and unsustainable chaos? How do you, as a leader, maintain your own sanity and remain a steady hand? Here are 5 critical strategies to help you not only manage change effectively but also maintain your sanity in the process.


1. Ground Yourself In the “Why”

When change is in the air, preserving your sanity and ensuring the success of your transformation hinges on a deep understanding and internalizing the “why” behind those changes. In fact, the EY Beacon Institute has found that companies that effectively communicate the “why” behind their actions and lead with purpose are 2.5 times more successful in achieving transformational success compared to those that don’t.

The essence of communicating the “why” goes beyond focusing on outcomes or financial returns. It should echo the wider implications for your team, culture and clients, not just the bottom line. For example, start by articulating the vision the change is meant to serve, urging your teams (and yourself) to envision the brighter tomorrow that change can herald in a meaningful way.

But don’t stop there. Develop your personal “why.” What will this change mean for you professionally or personally? How does it align with your core values and career aspirations? By personalizing the change, you create a deep reservoir of motivation to draw from when the going gets tough.

2. Adopt a Beginner’s Mindset

Research indicates that almost 70% of enterprise transformation efforts fail, with a major contributing factor being organizational inertia. The battle against “the way things have always been done,” can significantly drain your sanity during change initiatives.

No matter how experienced you are, every change is a new beginning. To manage change more effectively (and sustainably), approach it with a “beginner’s mindset.” Be willing to learn, to question and to unlearn what no longer serves. Studies show that adopting a “beginner’s mindset” significantly boosts learning, improves problem-solving abilities, enhances creativity and more. These qualities are essential for effectively managing change and can help you see opportunities where there were once only apparent challenges.

You can start by making questioning a routine practice. Encourage yourself and your team to ask, “Why do we do things this way?” or “How could we do things differently?” Such inquiries help challenge the status quo, which is often deeply entrenched during periods of transition. Moreover, identify and be willing to unlearn past behaviors that might hinder you during adjustments to new ways of working. This flexibility is critical in an environment as dynamic and unpredictable as change.

3. Fortify Your Network of Support

Change can be isolating, especially for leaders. Studies suggest that navigating change in the workplace can even evoke emotional responses similar to those experienced during grief. That is why it’s imperative to build and maintain a robust support system. At the very least, your network should include allies who understand the complexities you face and mentors or coaches who can offer wisdom from their own experiences and guide you through the emotional dimensions of change.

Map out your office “allies”. These can be direct reports whose buy-in is essential to the change, peers across the organization going through similar transformations, or even superiors who have a vested interest in your success. From amongst these allies, cultivate mentor-mentee relationships. Don’t underestimate the power of shared stories and the gift of learning from someone who’s been in your shoes.

Consider engaging a coach during particularly challenging phases of change. A trained coach can provide an objective viewpoint and help you work through issues you may not feel comfortable discussing within your usual work cohorts.

4. Focus On the Impact, Not the Activity

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’re in the thick of change, with endless tasks to manage, directives to convey and progress reports to compile. A study by Gartner reveals that 73% of employees undergoing change experience moderate to high stress levels and those impacted by change-related stress typically underperform compared to their peers. This is often due to challenges in prioritizing or understanding the overall impact of these change-driven activities. However, successful leaders learn to distinguish the critical few from the trivial many, navigating through this stress to steer their teams effectively.

Rather than overburdening yourself and your teams with minutiae, map out the strategic impact goals of the change. What are the top three outcomes that, if achieved, would signify a successful transition?

Then, elevate these goals as your primary focus, communicating progress to all stakeholders regularly. This approach not only streamlines your efforts but also establishes clear direction and purpose for your teams.

To maintain focus, unapologetically de-prioritize activities that add little to the impact zone. This is a bold move but a necessary one to protect your energy and resources during demanding change periods.

5. Express Gratitude

The practice of gratitude, especially during times of change, is a powerful tool. According to a survey by, both expressing and receiving gratitude at work can significantly ease stress and anxiety. This practice shifts your focus from the negative aspects of change to the benefits it brings. Make it a habit to express gratitude for the opportunities change presents, the lessons it offers and even the obstacles it helps you overcome.

Set aside time each day to reflect on the positives. Maybe it’s a team member who’s shown unexpected leadership or a challenge that’s led to an improvement in your processes. Find these nuggets of gold and express gratitude for them.

Encourage your team to do the same. You’ll be amazed at how a culture of gratitude transforms the collective mindset, making your entire team more resilient in the face of change.

Change is a formidable adversary, but by anchoring yourself in purpose, adopting a mindset of openness, nurturing your support systems, staying focused on the impact and expressing gratitude, you can not only survive change, but truly thrive within it.

By Sherzod Odilov, Contributor

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