Tag: Investing


Retirement Income: Is there a “Magic Number”?

While there is little doubt that the retirement landscape has changed, so to has our perception of what our golden years should entail. While many still envision wintering in sun and surf, most of us realize that a phased entry into retirement spent among family and friends is the more likely scenario.


Are You Invested In Canada Only?

If you are investing within Canadian borders only, you are likely missing out on returns. “By investing in both developed and emerging markets [you] can enhance performance” states David Graff.


Your ‘Safe’ Portfolio Could Cause You Problems

Your presumably safe and secure investments may be anything but if interest rates increase. It could devastate your portfolio, just because you wanted to be safe and secure.


How do RRSP’s Really Work?

How do RRSP’s really benefit me? How do I calculate the return that I will make on my RRSP contribution for 2012?


Ways to Make Saving Fun!

If you need a few ideas on how to make saving work for you, we have 6 ideas in today’s post to help you get the most out of every penny!


Markets… are they Crazy?

It seems that the public opinion out there is stating you need to run away from Europe… it’s going to implode. In the history of markets, when everyone is running out you should be running in. Put another way: “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.” It’s Warren Buffets way to fortunes… but you have to be patient. The next few years are not going to be smooth.


Markets – What is going on?

The markets over the last little bit have been very turbulent and a lot of people are asking what is going to happen? Although I can never say with certainty I’ll share a couple of things that the investment managers shared with me this week.


What is the World Coming to?

In my mind, what the article is stating is that there has to be a point where we all realize that something has to change in the way that we do things (similar to the way the US needs to change their spening habits). I`m not trying to stand on my soap box here… I`m a contributor to the environmental problems just like everyone is, yet it just doesn`t seem to make sense to me that we can turn our back on some very prominent problems.


Markets are “Nutty!”

You’ve all heard me say many times that markets will go up and down, and the people who win are the ones who stay invested and have someone watching over their money.