
Children – A Costly Matter

Some costs to consider in the overall price of children include maternity leave and the lost wages due to time away from work, child care, food, clothing and shelter, as well as necessities such as strollers, cribs and for teenagers lets not forget iPhones and iPads.


Should you rent or buy your home?

Questioning whether or not you should buy your next home or just hold out and rent? Look no further than this article to help you out!


The Value of Dividends

For the first time in more than 50 years, the dividend yield of many equity indicies are higher than bond yields. Sounds like a good investment


Retirement Income: Is there a “Magic Number”?

While there is little doubt that the retirement landscape has changed, so to has our perception of what our golden years should entail. While many still envision wintering in sun and surf, most of us realize that a phased entry into retirement spent among family and friends is the more likely scenario.


How RRSP’s Work

Need more information on how RRSP’s work and how they can benefit you? Watch this video!


Buy or Sell… What do we do?

With market swings starting to feel like the norm rather than the exception, what are you supposed to do with your investments? Sell to cash? Read on…


Are You Invested In Canada Only?

If you are investing within Canadian borders only, you are likely missing out on returns. “By investing in both developed and emerging markets [you] can enhance performance” states David Graff.


How Financially Healthy Are You?

People generally fall into 3 categories when it comes to their financial health. These categories range from completely healthy to underwater. What stage are you in? A financial planner can help.


Your ‘Safe’ Portfolio Could Cause You Problems

Your presumably safe and secure investments may be anything but if interest rates increase. It could devastate your portfolio, just because you wanted to be safe and secure.


Being Frugal… can it really pay off?

Throughout the years many people ask me what the secret to being wealthy is. The answer is to live within your means, and save more. The wealthiest people are often seen as frugal or cheap, but they are not spending everything they earn and living in a pile of debt.