
‘Rate hikes are over and done’: How today’s GDP surprise has shifted the views of economists and markets

Here’s how economists are reacting to the latest Canadian GDP report:


Video: Tips to cope with expensive back-to-school season

Kelley Keehn, founder of Money Wise Workplaces, talks to the Financial Post’s Larysa Harapyn about how to budget for back-to-school spending amid soaring inflation and high interest rates while also offering some creative ideas to help parents and kids save.


How to start investing as a student

While it might be exciting to see your money grow for the first time, investing can also seem daunting, especially because it involves assuming some level of risk. Below are tips from experts on how to dip your toes in the market without sinking.


Wildfires’ mounting damage will cloud the economic view for months

If you live in the path of wildfires in this country (as, sadly, growing numbers of Canadians do), you’re painfully aware of their tremendous toll. But even if you’re nowhere near the flames, the cost is high, and growing.
The damage from this summer’s fires across the country has already been shown in big-picture economic data.


How To Move Past Worst-Case-Scenario Thinking

How to Move Past Worst-Case-Scenario Thinking It’s easy for leaders to get caught up in worst-case-scenario thinking.


In praise of the flip phone. Try using one for a week – or a month

Because of the overstimulation smartphones provide, life can be richer in many ways without one. “Just because something stimulates your mind doesn’t mean it makes you happy. Often the exact opposite is the case.”


What makes ultra-processed foods so bad for your health?

They are calorie-rich, nutrient-poor and hard to stop eating


Your home equity line of credit limit is about to be throttled back. Experts advise on how to handle the new cash cap

Experts say a HELOC is a valuable financial tool but caution homeowners against using it as an ATM.


Pay Attention to Your Beneficiary Designation

Naming a beneficiary is a valuable feature of life insurance and segregated funds policies so it is important to carefully choose your beneficiaries. Many people choose to name their “estate” as their beneficiary.


Parents, have you thought of selling half your home to your adult kids and then sharing the space?

Family stepped in to help Aidan Grove-White and his partner afford a house in downtown Toronto, but not how you may think.