3 Reasons to Celebrate Small Wins

In the realm of leadership, there is an abundance of literature out there that tells us to set clear goals, to master time better and to value productivity. What’s less talked about, though, is the power of small wins in building up rich inner work lives for employees.


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According to researchers Teresa M. Amabile and Steven J. Kramer, and detailed in a 2011 article in Harvard Business Review, doing great work often involves a rollercoaster of emotions, through both progress and setbacks. In their analysis, they discovered what’s referred to as the “progress principle,” and co-authored a book exploring it: The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work (Harvard Business Review Press, 2011).

“Of all the things that can boost emotions, motivation, and perceptions during a workday, the single most important is making progress in meaningful work,” the authors write. “Whether solv[ing] a major scientific mystery or simply produce a high-quality product or service… even a small win can make all the difference in how [employees] feel and perform.”

I’ve witnessed this over and over again during my time as CEO of my company, Jotform. We’ve weathered many ups and downs, especially over these past few years of the pandemic, and even when it didn’t feel like there was anything to celebrate, I’ve made it a point to congratulate teams on smaller victories.

“The power of progress is fundamental to human nature,” Amabile and Kramer go on to explain, but note that few of us understand how to effectively leverage it to boost motivation.

Here are some key reasons for doing that.

1. Motivation breeds creativity

It’s no surprise that people who feel content in their jobs produce better work, but what I’ve found fascinating as a leader is witnessing how teams’ creativity skyrockets when they have intrinsic motivation — when they find what they do enriching.

Creating such a positive culture requires continuous effort: It’s not simply about offering perks when onboarding a new employee. I’ve found that it starts from the top and how we make employees feel valued every day.

As the above researchers noted, a person’s inner work life can fluctuate wildly, correspondingly influencing performance, so it’s essential that they feel motivated by superiors.

One insightful 2022 article created by the Australian government reads: “If you don’t take the time to appreciate the small achievements, it could hurt motivation, attitude and productivity. Without motivation, it can be difficult to continue working towards your big goal.”

2. The importance of authenticity

At my company, the past three years have been full of discouraging events, many of which continue to have repercussions on people’s moods. Recognizing that fact and having open conversations about it encourages a supportive climate in the workplace.

Arguably even more important is offering words of encouragement or showing interest in team members’ work or projects. In a 2015 Entrepreneur article , writer Zach Ferres details authentic ways of doing this. “Creating a culture of support means extending those celebrations beyond work-related accomplishments,” he explains. “Show support when a teammate runs a marathon, buys a house or has a baby.”

Similarly, we also shouldn’t shy away from hard truths. Employees should feel free to talk about hardships and day-to-day struggles, knowing that they won’t be scrutinized or shut down for doing so. Real authenticity, to me, is about embracing people’s experiences — whether positive or negative — with care and an open mind.

3. Igniting engagement

At my company, we don’t simply call out small wins, we also utilize demo days each Friday in which groups offer presentations about recent progress. It’s an opportunity for us all to show support — an engine for better communication, morale and engagement.

Demo days also give us a feeling of forward motion. As CEO, I’ll usually give a short inspirational talk to start it off, after selecting topics that are (hopefully) interesting to everyone. This generally helps jump-start a dialogue among team members.

Some employees have noted that such days have made our bonds stronger because we celebrate with the same commitment applied to working hard.

The bottom line

As Ferres puts it, “In today’s job world, growth and mastery are more important than ever. It’s vital to recognize teammates’ achievements so they don’t feel like they’re spinning in a hamster wheel,” adding that it’s important not to “…focus on false praise; make a point to celebrate the things that deserve to be celebrated that we often forget about.”

I couldn’t agree more. Nothing sounds less authentic than when you’re pushing yourself to dole out fake compliments. What’s more, it’ll only undermine the positive culture you’re trying to build.

Instead, I advocate getting to know your team better on a one-to-one basis — in part by learning about their individual goals and ambitions outside of the office. For example, I make it a point to have lunch with a different employee each day. Not only does that help create rapport, but it also gives me a chance to celebrate their accomplishments from a sincere place… something no lofty company speech can ever replicate.

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