Why Life Insurance

When is the last time you looked at your insurance?

Life Insurance, like other structures such as wills, requires reviewing and updating as your financial and family life progresses.

Therefore, current information is necessary to update any program – to offset the effects of inflation, possible new tax laws and changes in your personal situation.  One of these changes may be that you have a “life insurance birthday” soon, depending on what type of life insurance product you own.  On this birthday your rates may change dramatically or it could result in the last time insurance can be purchased at the younger, cheaper rates.

When should you review your life insurance?

  1. At least every 2 years
  2. Whenever there are significant changes in your life

Why Should you Have a Review?

A review will ensure that you, your family and your business are adequately covered in case you cannot go to work due to sickness or injury, are diagnosed with a critical illness, or you pass away.

It may be that our “insurance check-up” will indicate that everything is in order. However, if we uncover issues that could jeopardize the security of your family or business, you should certainly want look at options to address them.

To find out if you need an insurance checkup, click here!

Want to find out how much Life Insurance will cost?  Click here!